News & Views on Indian Real Estate

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Satellier Launches Broad Design Management Services for Indian Real Estate Developers and Corporate Building Owners

Satellier Inc, the global leader in work share solutions and pioneer in Building Information Modeling services (BIM) for the architecture, engineering, construction and building owner (AECO) industry, announced a broad set of Indian-based design management services (DMS). These first-of-kind services are available to domestic and international developers, contractors, and design consultants, and are designed to “fill-the-gap” between international design practices and onshore construction and practice realities for large-scale real estate developments in India. Satellier’s India DMS services are available in four areas critical to project success: design coordination, design localization, design documentation, and BIM management that will eliminate design and construction errors, reduce time-to-market, and increase quality of the building product. The Indian real estate market is experiencing a remarkable boom characterized by over 30 percent annual growth and forecasted to reach $90B by 2015. Primary contributors include recent GDP growth of over 9%, the entry of multinational companies into the country, global expansion of major domestic companies, increased spending power among the middle class, progressive government initiatives, wide acceptance of BPO/outsourcing business models, and strong foreign investments. The world’s top design firms are planning next-generation office campuses, shopping malls, complete new townships and housing complexes, medical centers, and hospitality sites for construction throughout the country. Satelllier is in a unique position to offer design management services for these aspiring new developments

Nitin Parashar said...

Please check the number of $90 Billion (INR 3,600 billion) indian realty market by 2015.
This is very low..Average residential annual loan disbursement is INR 1,119 billion.
Is that $90 billion an annual number?
Nitin Parashar - 97730 33503